Jan 4, 2017 | Events, Flower and Garden, Open Garden
To the members and friends of the Barbados Horticultural Society, a very happy and prosperous new year to you from your Committee Members. Below, you will find the schedule for the upcoming Open Garden Programme. As usual, we have some excellent gardens for your...
Feb 9, 2016 | Events, Flower and Garden, News
ONE STOP SHOP FOR YOU GARDEN. Trade-fair2016-flyer-revB.pdf
Jan 25, 2016 | Events, Flower and Garden
Time & Date: Saturday January 30th and Sunday January 31st, 2016. From 10 am – 6 pm each day. Location: BHS headquarters, Balls, Christ Church. Admission: $20 per adult and $7 for children under 12 years old. BHS members with valid membership card are admitted...