Do You Care – Flower Exports

In spite of the laudable efforts of local flower producers, a considerable quantity of temperate flowers is still imported into Barbados. We are hopeful that in the near future, it will be possible to replace all these imports with locally produced blooms, thus...

AGRODOC: Landscape Gardening – Art and Science

Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas. Elizabeth Murray A beautiful garden does not just happen . Although gardening may be somewhat of an art, it also involves science,  and landscape gardening is becoming...

AGRODOC: Practise Proper Pruning

To obtain well-shaped shrubs and trees, they must be trained from early using proper pruning practices. See below link for some tips! AGRO DOC -PROPER PRUNING

Post-harvest Handling of Flowers and Foliage

The flowers and foliage start to deteriorate soon after harvest. But there are number of things that one can do to extend their shelf-life. The following are some recommendations on maintaining the quality of flowers and foliage after harvest. Please click below link...